The name says it all, Van Egmond potting soil is the basis for the growth and development of many crops. The quality of the soil is crucial for a healthy and convenient root development and plant growth.

Obviously not every potting mix is suitable for all crops. However, when composing a potting mixture that looks at the needs of the client and the requirements of a growing set of potting soil. Several factors play a major role. Among others the requirements of the crop to the soil suggests, the way of processing the soil, mechanically or manually, and the way of fertilizing. All this is done in consultation with the cultivator.

The composition of the mixture can be adjusted on the basis of the different types of raw materials, each of which captures a unique property to the mixture. Besides the standard NPK mixes can also be further fertilized with slow release fertilizers, such as Osmocote and Multicote in different compositions.

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